Monday, August 15, 2011

Relationships And You

Generously giving love is the law that applies to everything in your life. The Law of Relationship is all about giving love. It doesn’t matter while loving whether you know someone or not, whether a loved one is a stranger. With every single person you came in contact with, you're either giving love, or you’re not. And what you give is what you will receive.

You can change your entire life just through the love you give in your relationships. It is your biggest channel to give love. At the same time, though, links can be your biggest downfall, because they are often your biggest excuse for not giving love!

It’s not about another person – It’s you who matters.

Most people think a relationship is either good or bad because of the other person, but life doesn’t happen that way. You can’t say to the force of love, “I will give love only when the other person gives it first! You can’t receive anything in life unless you provide it first. What you give, you accept, so It’s never about the other person at all: it’s all about you: what you are feeling and giving.

Change your relationships right now by looking for the things you love, grateful, and appreciate in that person. By doing so, you will spell out all negativity, and a miracle will take place.

What is giving love means?

To be very apparent about what it means to give love to others, you need to understand what it means not to give love to others. Trying to transform another person is not giving love! Thinking you are right and other is wrong is not giving love! Thinking you know what is best for another person is not giving love.

Blaming, Criticizing, Complaining, or counting faults with another person is not giving love! 

When you are on a feeling frequency of love, then only people who are on the same feeling frequency as you are can come into your life. Some days you feel pleased, some days you feel terrible. You can be in many different versions of yourself. A person in a relationship with you can also be in many versions likewise. No doubt, you will have seen them being many different versions, but every version is still that person. When you are happy, then only the comfortable version of other people can come into your life. But you have to be glad to receive the animated versions of other people!

It doesn’t mean you are responsible for other people’s happiness because everyone is accountable for their own lives and happiness. What it means is there is nothing else for you to do but to feel happy yourself, and the law of love will follow the rest.

Feel good & make others happy around you, remain in this beautiful feeling of giving love. All events related will be attracted to you who are on the same frequency. Love is a choice; choose it.


  1. I really appreciate your style of writing.

  2. I appreciate your feeling about relationship.
    one thing i like the most is "Love is choice, choose it."

  3. Well said.
    What you written is very true?
    Like your thinking keep writing
